生物多样性 ›› 2024, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (12): 24306. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024306 cstr: 32101.14.biods.2024306
冯嘉谊(), 练琚愉(
), 冯瑜莙(
), 张东旭(
), 曹洪麟(
), 叶万辉*(
E-mail: 基金资助:
Jiayi Feng(), Juyu Lian(
), Yujun Feng(
), Dongxu Zhang(
), Honglin Cao(
), Wanhui Ye*(
E-mail: Supported by:
摘要: 群落的垂直分层是物种间生态功能分化后的结果, 在森林植物物种共存格局的形成中起着重要作用。为此, 本研究基于鼎湖山20 ha森林动态监测样地中树种的重要功能性状、群落动态数据及群落上下层的空间结构关系, 并在台风对垂直分层结构的影响背景下, 利用Lee’s L相关性分析及多元空间自回归模型分析了群落上层对群落下层结构和功能的影响。结果表明: 群落上层的植物功能性状变化可较好地解释群落下层的大部分群落结构和功能的空间变化。群落上层的空间结构、光合及水分利用效率等特性对群落下层的结构和功能有着重要的影响。群落上层物种对光资源的捕获和利用能力越强, 其群落下层的物种多度、物种丰富度、物种多样性、相对生长速率及补员率越小; 群落上层物种对水分利用能力越强, 群落下层的物种多度、物种丰富度、物种多样性、相对生长速率及补员率越大。其中, 群落上层的单位面积叶片最大净光合速率、叶面积、叶片鲜重、叶柄直径及边材比导率是关键性状, 在影响群落下层的结构和功能上起着相对重要的作用。台风造成群落垂直分层结构改变后, 群落上层对群落下层功能和结构的影响也随之发生变化。本研究表明群落垂直分层特性对群落的结构和功能有重要的影响。
冯嘉谊, 练琚愉, 冯瑜莙, 张东旭, 曹洪麟, 叶万辉 (2024) 鼎湖山南亚热带常绿阔叶林群落垂直分层对群落结构及功能的影响. 生物多样性, 32, 24306. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024306.
Jiayi Feng, Juyu Lian, Yujun Feng, Dongxu Zhang, Honglin Cao, Wanhui Ye (2024) Effects of vertical stratification on community structure and functions in a subtropical, evergreen broad-leaved forest in the Dinghushan National Nature Reserve. Biodiversity Science, 32, 24306. DOI: 10.17520/biods.2024306.
性状 Traits | 灌木层 vs. 亚灌层 Shrub layer vs. sub-shrub layer | 亚灌层 vs. 林冠下层 Sub-shrub layer vs. lower canopy layer | 林冠下层 vs. 林冠中层 Lower canopy layer vs. middle canopy layer | 林冠中层 vs. 林冠上层 Middle canopy layer vs. upper canopy layer |
单位面积叶片最大净光合速率 Maximum area-based leaf carbon assimilation rate (Aarea) | 0.440*** | 0.272*** | 0.066*** | 0.092*** |
瞬时水分利用效率 Instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEi) | 0.369*** | 0.216*** | 0.285*** | 0.059* |
单位面积叶片最大气孔导度 Maximum area-based stomatal conductance (gsa) | 0.308*** | 0.241*** | 0.114*** | 0.051 |
单位质量叶片磷含量 Phosphorus concentration per leaf mass (Pmass) | 0.545*** | 0.526*** | 0.340*** | 0.297*** |
边材比导率 Xylem specific conductivity (Ks) | 0.468*** | 0.343*** | 0.203*** | 0.070* |
叶片膨压丧失点 Water potential at leaf turgor loss point (TLP) | 0.497*** | 0.355*** | 0.223*** | 0.184*** |
比叶面积 Specific leaf area (SLA) | 0.370*** | 0.458*** | 0.294*** | 0.164*** |
叶绿素含量 Chlorophyll content (Chl) | 0.369*** | 0.379*** | 0.009 | 0.068** |
叶面积 Leaf area (LA) | 0.528*** | 0.411*** | 0.053*** | 0.030* |
叶片厚度 Leaf thickness (LT) | 0.265*** | 0.071*** | 0.145*** | 0.219*** |
木材密度 Wood density (WD) | 0.393*** | 0.316*** | 0.118*** | 0.089*** |
叶干物质含量 Leaf dry mass content (LDMC) | 0.354*** | 0.184*** | 0.150*** | 0.170*** |
叶柄长度 Petiole length (Pl) | 0.481*** | 0.510*** | 0.149*** | -0.056** |
叶柄干重/鲜重比 Petiole dry weight/fresh weight ratio (Pdm) | 0.333*** | 0.242*** | 0.176*** | 0.248*** |
叶柄直径 Petiole diameter (Pd) | 0.373*** | 0.167*** | 0.154*** | 0.018 |
叶片光补偿点 Leaf compensation point (LCP) | 0.241*** | 0.339*** | 0.323*** | 0.115*** |
叶片光饱和点 Leaf saturation point (LSP) | 0.303*** | 0.063* | 0.069*** | 0.070*** |
叶片鲜重 Leaf fresh weight (LFW) | 0.564*** | 0.384*** | 0.224*** | 0.125*** |
树冠宽度 Crown breadth (Bc) | 0.151*** | 0.117*** | 0.110*** | 0.095** |
树冠深度 Crown depth (Dc) | 0.011 | 0.125*** | 0.083*** | 0.088*** |
表1 南亚热带常绿阔叶林群落下层各个植物功能性状与群落上层对应性状的相关性(Lee’s L统计量)
Table 1 The relationship (Lee’s L statistic) between trait of the lower-layer and the corresponding trait of the upper-layer in subtropical, evergreen broad-leaved forest
性状 Traits | 灌木层 vs. 亚灌层 Shrub layer vs. sub-shrub layer | 亚灌层 vs. 林冠下层 Sub-shrub layer vs. lower canopy layer | 林冠下层 vs. 林冠中层 Lower canopy layer vs. middle canopy layer | 林冠中层 vs. 林冠上层 Middle canopy layer vs. upper canopy layer |
单位面积叶片最大净光合速率 Maximum area-based leaf carbon assimilation rate (Aarea) | 0.440*** | 0.272*** | 0.066*** | 0.092*** |
瞬时水分利用效率 Instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEi) | 0.369*** | 0.216*** | 0.285*** | 0.059* |
单位面积叶片最大气孔导度 Maximum area-based stomatal conductance (gsa) | 0.308*** | 0.241*** | 0.114*** | 0.051 |
单位质量叶片磷含量 Phosphorus concentration per leaf mass (Pmass) | 0.545*** | 0.526*** | 0.340*** | 0.297*** |
边材比导率 Xylem specific conductivity (Ks) | 0.468*** | 0.343*** | 0.203*** | 0.070* |
叶片膨压丧失点 Water potential at leaf turgor loss point (TLP) | 0.497*** | 0.355*** | 0.223*** | 0.184*** |
比叶面积 Specific leaf area (SLA) | 0.370*** | 0.458*** | 0.294*** | 0.164*** |
叶绿素含量 Chlorophyll content (Chl) | 0.369*** | 0.379*** | 0.009 | 0.068** |
叶面积 Leaf area (LA) | 0.528*** | 0.411*** | 0.053*** | 0.030* |
叶片厚度 Leaf thickness (LT) | 0.265*** | 0.071*** | 0.145*** | 0.219*** |
木材密度 Wood density (WD) | 0.393*** | 0.316*** | 0.118*** | 0.089*** |
叶干物质含量 Leaf dry mass content (LDMC) | 0.354*** | 0.184*** | 0.150*** | 0.170*** |
叶柄长度 Petiole length (Pl) | 0.481*** | 0.510*** | 0.149*** | -0.056** |
叶柄干重/鲜重比 Petiole dry weight/fresh weight ratio (Pdm) | 0.333*** | 0.242*** | 0.176*** | 0.248*** |
叶柄直径 Petiole diameter (Pd) | 0.373*** | 0.167*** | 0.154*** | 0.018 |
叶片光补偿点 Leaf compensation point (LCP) | 0.241*** | 0.339*** | 0.323*** | 0.115*** |
叶片光饱和点 Leaf saturation point (LSP) | 0.303*** | 0.063* | 0.069*** | 0.070*** |
叶片鲜重 Leaf fresh weight (LFW) | 0.564*** | 0.384*** | 0.224*** | 0.125*** |
树冠宽度 Crown breadth (Bc) | 0.151*** | 0.117*** | 0.110*** | 0.095** |
树冠深度 Crown depth (Dc) | 0.011 | 0.125*** | 0.083*** | 0.088*** |
性状 Trait | 物种多度 Species abundance | 物种丰富度 Species richness | Shannon-Wiener多样性 指数 Shannon-Wiener diversity index | Pielou均匀度指数 Pielou evenness index | 相对生长速率 Relative growth rate | 死亡率 Mortality rate | 补员率 Recruitment rate |
单位面积叶片最大净光合速率 Aarea | ‒0.151 | ‒0.077** | 0.025 | 0.100*** | 0.231*** | 0.079*** | 0.171*** |
瞬时水分利用效率 WUEi | 0.080*** | 0.044* | 0.024 | ‒0.028** | 0.182*** | ‒0.018* | 0.07*** |
单位面积叶片最大气孔导度 gsa | ‒0.173** | 0.003 | 0.154*** | 0.229*** | 0.037* | 0.206*** | 0.142*** |
单位质量叶片磷含量 Pmass | ‒0.176** | 0.009* | 0.153*** | 0.221*** | ‒0.113** | 0.308*** | 0.158*** |
边材比导率 Ks | ‒0.244** | ‒0.106** | 0.112*** | 0.258*** | 0.062*** | 0.177*** | 0.183*** |
叶片膨压丧失点 TLP | ‒0.078** | ‒0.119** | ‒0.124** | ‒0.054** | ‒0.283** | 0.025** | ‒0.038** |
比叶面积 SLA | ‒0.138** | ‒0.023 | 0.090*** | 0.166*** | ‒0.160** | 0.230*** | 0.096*** |
叶绿素含量 Chl | 0.087*** | ‒0.054** | ‒0.162** | ‒0.196** | 0.085*** | ‒0.272** | ‒0.126** |
叶面积 LA | ‒0.113** | ‒0.031 | 0.051*** | 0.115*** | ‒0.208** | 0.163*** | 0.063*** |
叶片厚度 LT | 0.004 | ‒0.010* | 0.013 | 0.020 | ‒0.024 | ‒0.064** | ‒0.015 |
木材密度 WD | 0.164*** | ‒0.021* | ‒0.192** | ‒0.259** | ‒0.019 | ‒0.294** | ‒0.188** |
叶干物质含量 LDMC | ‒0.018 | 0.061*** | 0.140*** | 0.130*** | 0.116*** | 0.088*** | 0.117*** |
叶柄长度 Pl | ‒0.120** | ‒0.030 | 0.061*** | 0.127*** | ‒0.169** | 0.177*** | 0.094*** |
叶柄干重/鲜重比 Pdm | 0.077*** | 0.033 | ‒0.016* | ‒0.070** | 0.151*** | ‒0.072** | 0.038** |
叶柄直径 Pd | ‒0.047** | ‒0.102** | ‒0.126** | ‒0.075** | ‒0.193** | ‒0.099** | ‒0.101** |
叶片光补偿点 LCP | 0.055*** | 0.068*** | 0.118*** | 0.094*** | ‒0.133** | 0.073*** | 0.040** |
叶片光饱和点 LSP | ‒0.058** | 0.114*** | 0.217*** | 0.217*** | ‒0.171** | 0.146*** | ‒0.006 |
叶片鲜重 LFW | ‒0.092** | 0.024** | 0.120*** | 0.165*** | ‒0.325** | 0.177*** | 0.019 |
树冠宽度 Bc | ‒0.021 | ‒0.019 | 0.004 | 0.013 | ‒0.105** | ‒0.020 | ‒0.048** |
树冠深度 Dc | ‒0.057** | ‒0.130** | ‒0.130** | ‒0.074** | 0.146*** | ‒0.057** | 0.043** |
表2 灌木层的物种多度、物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、相对生长速率、死亡率及补员率与亚灌层功能性状的相关性(Lee’s L统计量)
Table 2 The relationship (Lee’s L statistic) between species abundance, species richness, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou evenness index, relative growth rate, mortality rate and recruitment rate of the shrub layer and the plant functional trait of the sub-shrub layer
性状 Trait | 物种多度 Species abundance | 物种丰富度 Species richness | Shannon-Wiener多样性 指数 Shannon-Wiener diversity index | Pielou均匀度指数 Pielou evenness index | 相对生长速率 Relative growth rate | 死亡率 Mortality rate | 补员率 Recruitment rate |
单位面积叶片最大净光合速率 Aarea | ‒0.151 | ‒0.077** | 0.025 | 0.100*** | 0.231*** | 0.079*** | 0.171*** |
瞬时水分利用效率 WUEi | 0.080*** | 0.044* | 0.024 | ‒0.028** | 0.182*** | ‒0.018* | 0.07*** |
单位面积叶片最大气孔导度 gsa | ‒0.173** | 0.003 | 0.154*** | 0.229*** | 0.037* | 0.206*** | 0.142*** |
单位质量叶片磷含量 Pmass | ‒0.176** | 0.009* | 0.153*** | 0.221*** | ‒0.113** | 0.308*** | 0.158*** |
边材比导率 Ks | ‒0.244** | ‒0.106** | 0.112*** | 0.258*** | 0.062*** | 0.177*** | 0.183*** |
叶片膨压丧失点 TLP | ‒0.078** | ‒0.119** | ‒0.124** | ‒0.054** | ‒0.283** | 0.025** | ‒0.038** |
比叶面积 SLA | ‒0.138** | ‒0.023 | 0.090*** | 0.166*** | ‒0.160** | 0.230*** | 0.096*** |
叶绿素含量 Chl | 0.087*** | ‒0.054** | ‒0.162** | ‒0.196** | 0.085*** | ‒0.272** | ‒0.126** |
叶面积 LA | ‒0.113** | ‒0.031 | 0.051*** | 0.115*** | ‒0.208** | 0.163*** | 0.063*** |
叶片厚度 LT | 0.004 | ‒0.010* | 0.013 | 0.020 | ‒0.024 | ‒0.064** | ‒0.015 |
木材密度 WD | 0.164*** | ‒0.021* | ‒0.192** | ‒0.259** | ‒0.019 | ‒0.294** | ‒0.188** |
叶干物质含量 LDMC | ‒0.018 | 0.061*** | 0.140*** | 0.130*** | 0.116*** | 0.088*** | 0.117*** |
叶柄长度 Pl | ‒0.120** | ‒0.030 | 0.061*** | 0.127*** | ‒0.169** | 0.177*** | 0.094*** |
叶柄干重/鲜重比 Pdm | 0.077*** | 0.033 | ‒0.016* | ‒0.070** | 0.151*** | ‒0.072** | 0.038** |
叶柄直径 Pd | ‒0.047** | ‒0.102** | ‒0.126** | ‒0.075** | ‒0.193** | ‒0.099** | ‒0.101** |
叶片光补偿点 LCP | 0.055*** | 0.068*** | 0.118*** | 0.094*** | ‒0.133** | 0.073*** | 0.040** |
叶片光饱和点 LSP | ‒0.058** | 0.114*** | 0.217*** | 0.217*** | ‒0.171** | 0.146*** | ‒0.006 |
叶片鲜重 LFW | ‒0.092** | 0.024** | 0.120*** | 0.165*** | ‒0.325** | 0.177*** | 0.019 |
树冠宽度 Bc | ‒0.021 | ‒0.019 | 0.004 | 0.013 | ‒0.105** | ‒0.020 | ‒0.048** |
树冠深度 Dc | ‒0.057** | ‒0.130** | ‒0.130** | ‒0.074** | 0.146*** | ‒0.057** | 0.043** |
性状 Trait | 物种多度 Species abundance | 物种丰富度 Species richness | Shannon-Wiener多样性 指数 Shannon-Wiener diversity index | Pielou均匀度指数 Pielou evenness index | 相对生长速率 Relative growth rate | 死亡率 Mortality rate | 补员率 Recruitment rate |
单位面积叶片最大净光合速率 Aarea | ‒0.093** | ‒0.064** | 0.012 | 0.060*** | 0.097*** | 0.037* | 0.154*** |
瞬时水分利用效率 WUEi | 0.170*** | 0.124*** | 0.094*** | 0.022** | ‒0.218** | 0.035*** | ‒0.061** |
单位面积叶片最大气孔导度 gsa | ‒0.118** | ‒0.025 | 0.066*** | 0.098*** | 0.053*** | 0.084*** | 0.134*** |
单位质量叶片磷含量 Pmass | ‒0.123** | 0.008* | 0.095*** | 0.103*** | 0.004 | 0.108*** | 0.174*** |
边材比导率 Ks | ‒0.172** | ‒0.071** | 0.082*** | 0.160*** | 0.042** | 0.059*** | 0.168*** |
叶片膨压丧失点 TLP | ‒0.165** | ‒0.093** | ‒0.008 | 0.054*** | ‒0.066** | 0.001 | 0.047*** |
比叶面积 SLA | ‒0.046** | 0.092*** | 0.168*** | 0.130*** | ‒0.117** | 0.128*** | 0.138*** |
叶绿素含量 Chl | ‒0.033** | ‒0.118** | ‒0.112** | ‒0.050** | ‒0.068** | ‒0.106** | ‒0.181** |
叶面积 LA | ‒0.109** | ‒0.041** | 0.027*** | 0.049*** | ‒0.026** | 0.054*** | 0.124*** |
叶片厚度 LT | ‒0.157** | ‒0.205** | ‒0.155** | ‒0.033** | 0.106*** | ‒0.075** | ‒0.032* |
木材密度 WD | 0.147*** | 0.033* | ‒0.056** | ‒0.091** | ‒0.100** | ‒0.113** | ‒0.154** |
叶干物质含量 LDMC | 0.106*** | 0.057*** | ‒0.008 | ‒0.064** | 0.031*** | ‒0.022 | ‒0.065** |
叶柄长度 Pl | ‒0.102** | ‒0.009 | 0.062*** | 0.064*** | ‒0.070** | 0.074*** | 0.112*** |
叶柄干重/鲜重比 Pdm | 0.117*** | 0.012 | ‒0.100** | ‒0.148** | 0.082*** | ‒0.086** | ‒0.062** |
叶柄直径 Pd | ‒0.206** | ‒0.216** | ‒0.137** | ‒0.015 | 0.095*** | ‒0.055** | 0.060*** |
叶片光补偿点 LCP | 0.027 | 0.059*** | 0.163*** | 0.151*** | ‒0.362** | 0.094*** | ‒0.041** |
叶片光饱和点 LSP | ‒0.024* | ‒0.016 | ‒0.014 | ‒0.013 | 0.108*** | 0.018 | 0.031** |
叶片鲜重 LFW | ‒0.143** | ‒0.042** | 0.071*** | 0.108*** | ‒0.084** | 0.067*** | 0.117*** |
树冠宽度 Bc | ‒0.023* | ‒0.039** | ‒0.058** | ‒0.052** | ‒0.034** | ‒0.068** | ‒0.085** |
树冠深度 Dc | ‒0.169** | ‒0.204** | ‒0.105** | 0.017 | ‒0.033* | ‒0.017 | ‒0.082** |
表3 亚灌层的物种多度、物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、相对生长速率、死亡率及补员率与林冠下层功能性状的相关性(Lee’s L统计量)
Table 3 The relationship (Lee’s L statistic) between species abundance, species richness, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou evenness index, relative growth rate, mortality rate and recruitment rate of the sub-shrub layer and the plant functional trait of the lower canopy
性状 Trait | 物种多度 Species abundance | 物种丰富度 Species richness | Shannon-Wiener多样性 指数 Shannon-Wiener diversity index | Pielou均匀度指数 Pielou evenness index | 相对生长速率 Relative growth rate | 死亡率 Mortality rate | 补员率 Recruitment rate |
单位面积叶片最大净光合速率 Aarea | ‒0.093** | ‒0.064** | 0.012 | 0.060*** | 0.097*** | 0.037* | 0.154*** |
瞬时水分利用效率 WUEi | 0.170*** | 0.124*** | 0.094*** | 0.022** | ‒0.218** | 0.035*** | ‒0.061** |
单位面积叶片最大气孔导度 gsa | ‒0.118** | ‒0.025 | 0.066*** | 0.098*** | 0.053*** | 0.084*** | 0.134*** |
单位质量叶片磷含量 Pmass | ‒0.123** | 0.008* | 0.095*** | 0.103*** | 0.004 | 0.108*** | 0.174*** |
边材比导率 Ks | ‒0.172** | ‒0.071** | 0.082*** | 0.160*** | 0.042** | 0.059*** | 0.168*** |
叶片膨压丧失点 TLP | ‒0.165** | ‒0.093** | ‒0.008 | 0.054*** | ‒0.066** | 0.001 | 0.047*** |
比叶面积 SLA | ‒0.046** | 0.092*** | 0.168*** | 0.130*** | ‒0.117** | 0.128*** | 0.138*** |
叶绿素含量 Chl | ‒0.033** | ‒0.118** | ‒0.112** | ‒0.050** | ‒0.068** | ‒0.106** | ‒0.181** |
叶面积 LA | ‒0.109** | ‒0.041** | 0.027*** | 0.049*** | ‒0.026** | 0.054*** | 0.124*** |
叶片厚度 LT | ‒0.157** | ‒0.205** | ‒0.155** | ‒0.033** | 0.106*** | ‒0.075** | ‒0.032* |
木材密度 WD | 0.147*** | 0.033* | ‒0.056** | ‒0.091** | ‒0.100** | ‒0.113** | ‒0.154** |
叶干物质含量 LDMC | 0.106*** | 0.057*** | ‒0.008 | ‒0.064** | 0.031*** | ‒0.022 | ‒0.065** |
叶柄长度 Pl | ‒0.102** | ‒0.009 | 0.062*** | 0.064*** | ‒0.070** | 0.074*** | 0.112*** |
叶柄干重/鲜重比 Pdm | 0.117*** | 0.012 | ‒0.100** | ‒0.148** | 0.082*** | ‒0.086** | ‒0.062** |
叶柄直径 Pd | ‒0.206** | ‒0.216** | ‒0.137** | ‒0.015 | 0.095*** | ‒0.055** | 0.060*** |
叶片光补偿点 LCP | 0.027 | 0.059*** | 0.163*** | 0.151*** | ‒0.362** | 0.094*** | ‒0.041** |
叶片光饱和点 LSP | ‒0.024* | ‒0.016 | ‒0.014 | ‒0.013 | 0.108*** | 0.018 | 0.031** |
叶片鲜重 LFW | ‒0.143** | ‒0.042** | 0.071*** | 0.108*** | ‒0.084** | 0.067*** | 0.117*** |
树冠宽度 Bc | ‒0.023* | ‒0.039** | ‒0.058** | ‒0.052** | ‒0.034** | ‒0.068** | ‒0.085** |
树冠深度 Dc | ‒0.169** | ‒0.204** | ‒0.105** | 0.017 | ‒0.033* | ‒0.017 | ‒0.082** |
性状 Trait | 物种多度 Species abundance | 物种丰富度 Species richness | Shannon-Wiener多样性指数 Shannon-Wiener diversity index | Pielou均匀度指数 Pielou evenness index | 相对生长速率 Relative growth rate | 死亡率 Mortality rate | 补员率 Recruitment rate |
单位面积叶片最大净光合速率 Aarea | ‒0.102** | ‒0.104** | ‒0.096** | 0.025* | ‒0.012 | 0.002 | ‒0.005 |
瞬时水分利用效率 WUEi | 0.130*** | 0.077*** | 0.055*** | ‒0.081** | ‒0.087** | 0.050* | ‒0.027* |
单位面积叶片最大气孔导度 gsa | ‒0.095** | ‒0.094** | ‒0.094** | 0.012 | 0.030 | ‒0.005 | 0.027* |
单位质量叶片磷含量 Pmass | ‒0.073** | ‒0.112** | ‒0.113** | ‒0.032* | 0.007 | 0.048*** | 0.097*** |
边材比导率 Ks | ‒0.126** | ‒0.141** | ‒0.132** | 0.003 | 0.034 | 0.014* | 0.082** |
叶片膨压丧失点 TLP | ‒0.007 | ‒0.024 | ‒0.035 | ‒0.026 | 0.024 | 0.030*** | 0.060*** |
比叶面积 SLA | 0.036* | 0.006 | ‒0.005 | ‒0.029 | 0.016 | 0.035** | 0.078*** |
叶绿素含量 Chl | 0.022* | ‒0.020 | ‒0.029* | ‒0.050** | ‒0.056** | 0.022* | 0.008 |
叶面积 LA | ‒0.101** | ‒0.090** | ‒0.068** | 0.040** | 0.026** | ‒0.024 | 0.033** |
叶片厚度 LT | ‒0.044** | 0.013 | 0.037*** | 0.080*** | 0.092*** | ‒0.053** | 0.016 |
木材密度 WD | 0.150*** | 0.147*** | 0.128*** | ‒0.031* | ‒0.009 | 0.007 | ‒0.013 |
叶干物质含量 LDMC | 0.076*** | 0.090*** | 0.081*** | ‒0.011 | ‒0.034** | ‒0.010 | ‒0.105** |
叶柄长度 Pl | ‒0.045** | ‒0.063** | ‒0.064** | ‒0.006 | 0.016 | 0.011 | 0.048** |
叶柄干重/鲜重比 Pdm | 0.005 | 0.067*** | 0.086*** | 0.087*** | 0.031** | ‒0.041** | ‒0.082** |
叶柄直径 Pd | ‒0.136** | ‒0.116** | ‒0.089** | 0.052*** | 0.025* | ‒0.035* | 0.017 |
叶片光补偿点 LCP | 0.072*** | 0.005 | ‒0.013 | ‒0.106** | ‒0.099** | 0.041 | ‒0.011 |
叶片光饱和点 LSP | 0.002 | 0.013 | 0.020 | 0.025*** | ‒0.008 | ‒0.017 | ‒0.019 |
叶片鲜重 LFW | ‒0.096** | ‒0.112** | ‒0.108** | ‒0.006 | 0.046*** | 0.033** | 0.111*** |
树冠宽度 Bc | ‒0.009 | 0.018 | 0.024 | 0.030 | ‒0.016* | ‒0.050** | ‒0.049** |
树冠深度 Dc | ‒0.101** | ‒0.132** | ‒0.123** | ‒0.029** | ‒0.012 | ‒0.003 | 0.027* |
表4 林冠下层的物种多度、物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、相对生长速率、死亡率及补员率与林冠中层功能性状的相关性(Lee’s L统计量)
Table 4 The relationship (Lee’s L statistic) between species abundance, species richness, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou evenness index, relative growth rate, mortality rate and recruitment rate of the lower canopy and the plant functional trait of the middle canopy
性状 Trait | 物种多度 Species abundance | 物种丰富度 Species richness | Shannon-Wiener多样性指数 Shannon-Wiener diversity index | Pielou均匀度指数 Pielou evenness index | 相对生长速率 Relative growth rate | 死亡率 Mortality rate | 补员率 Recruitment rate |
单位面积叶片最大净光合速率 Aarea | ‒0.102** | ‒0.104** | ‒0.096** | 0.025* | ‒0.012 | 0.002 | ‒0.005 |
瞬时水分利用效率 WUEi | 0.130*** | 0.077*** | 0.055*** | ‒0.081** | ‒0.087** | 0.050* | ‒0.027* |
单位面积叶片最大气孔导度 gsa | ‒0.095** | ‒0.094** | ‒0.094** | 0.012 | 0.030 | ‒0.005 | 0.027* |
单位质量叶片磷含量 Pmass | ‒0.073** | ‒0.112** | ‒0.113** | ‒0.032* | 0.007 | 0.048*** | 0.097*** |
边材比导率 Ks | ‒0.126** | ‒0.141** | ‒0.132** | 0.003 | 0.034 | 0.014* | 0.082** |
叶片膨压丧失点 TLP | ‒0.007 | ‒0.024 | ‒0.035 | ‒0.026 | 0.024 | 0.030*** | 0.060*** |
比叶面积 SLA | 0.036* | 0.006 | ‒0.005 | ‒0.029 | 0.016 | 0.035** | 0.078*** |
叶绿素含量 Chl | 0.022* | ‒0.020 | ‒0.029* | ‒0.050** | ‒0.056** | 0.022* | 0.008 |
叶面积 LA | ‒0.101** | ‒0.090** | ‒0.068** | 0.040** | 0.026** | ‒0.024 | 0.033** |
叶片厚度 LT | ‒0.044** | 0.013 | 0.037*** | 0.080*** | 0.092*** | ‒0.053** | 0.016 |
木材密度 WD | 0.150*** | 0.147*** | 0.128*** | ‒0.031* | ‒0.009 | 0.007 | ‒0.013 |
叶干物质含量 LDMC | 0.076*** | 0.090*** | 0.081*** | ‒0.011 | ‒0.034** | ‒0.010 | ‒0.105** |
叶柄长度 Pl | ‒0.045** | ‒0.063** | ‒0.064** | ‒0.006 | 0.016 | 0.011 | 0.048** |
叶柄干重/鲜重比 Pdm | 0.005 | 0.067*** | 0.086*** | 0.087*** | 0.031** | ‒0.041** | ‒0.082** |
叶柄直径 Pd | ‒0.136** | ‒0.116** | ‒0.089** | 0.052*** | 0.025* | ‒0.035* | 0.017 |
叶片光补偿点 LCP | 0.072*** | 0.005 | ‒0.013 | ‒0.106** | ‒0.099** | 0.041 | ‒0.011 |
叶片光饱和点 LSP | 0.002 | 0.013 | 0.020 | 0.025*** | ‒0.008 | ‒0.017 | ‒0.019 |
叶片鲜重 LFW | ‒0.096** | ‒0.112** | ‒0.108** | ‒0.006 | 0.046*** | 0.033** | 0.111*** |
树冠宽度 Bc | ‒0.009 | 0.018 | 0.024 | 0.030 | ‒0.016* | ‒0.050** | ‒0.049** |
树冠深度 Dc | ‒0.101** | ‒0.132** | ‒0.123** | ‒0.029** | ‒0.012 | ‒0.003 | 0.027* |
性状 Trait | 物种多度 Species abundance | 物种丰富度 Species richness | Shannon-Wiener多样性指数 Shannon-Wiener diversity index | Pielou均匀度指数 Pielou evenness index | 相对生长速率Relative growth rate | 死亡率 Mortality rate | 补员率 Recruitment rate |
单位面积叶片最大净光合速率 Aarea | 0.011 | ‒0.01 | ‒0.014 | ‒0.032* | 0.025* | 0.011 | 0.001 |
瞬时水分利用效率 WUEi | ‒0.018 | ‒0.015 | 0.004 | 0.027 | ‒0.022 | 0.002 | ‒0.002 |
单位面积叶片最大气孔导度 gsa | 0.015 | 0.018 | ‒0.001 | ‒0.014 | 0.039* | 0.003 | 0.005 |
单位质量叶片磷含量 Pmass | ‒0.091** | ‒0.064** | ‒0.061** | 0.064*** | 0.001 | 0.043* | 0.027 |
边材比导率 Ks | ‒0.094** | ‒0.093** | ‒0.086** | 0.038 | 0.002 | 0.042* | 0.023 |
叶片膨压丧失点 TLP | ‒0.076** | ‒0.033** | ‒0.041** | 0.058*** | ‒0.002 | ‒0.011 | 0.017 |
比叶面积 SLA | ‒0.070** | ‒0.032** | ‒0.041** | 0.031* | ‒0.008 | ‒0.027 | 0.022 |
叶绿素含量 Chl | 0.013 | 0.009 | 0.01 | 0.027 | ‒0.002 | 0.010 | 0.016 |
叶面积 LA | ‒0.007 | ‒0.033 | ‒0.023 | ‒0.020* | ‒0.003 | 0.035 | ‒0.006 |
叶片厚度 LT | 0.075*** | 0.053*** | 0.041** | ‒0.064** | ‒0.021 | ‒0.064** | 0.006 |
木材密度 WD | 0.042* | 0.063*** | 0.052** | 0.011 | ‒0.014 | ‒0.031 | 0.006 |
叶干物质含量 LDMC | 0.068*** | 0.057*** | 0.067*** | ‒0.025 | 0.014 | 0.002 | ‒0.036 |
叶柄长度 Pl | 0.045** | 0.037** | 0.040*** | ‒0.031* | ‒0.009 | 0.018 | ‒0.032* |
叶柄干重/鲜重比 Pdm | 0.079*** | 0.036** | 0.035*** | ‒0.082** | 0.01 | ‒0.009 | ‒0.023 |
叶柄直径 Pd | 0.014* | ‒0.019 | ‒0.011 | ‒0.017 | 0.003 | 0.044 | ‒0.006 |
叶片光补偿点 LCP | ‒0.052** | ‒0.029 | ‒0.012 | 0.065*** | ‒0.022 | 0.003 | ‒0.011 |
叶片光饱和点 LSP | 0.028 | 0.035 | 0.028 | ‒0.025 | ‒0.014 | ‒0.037 | ‒0.011 |
叶片鲜重 LFW | ‒0.093** | ‒0.093** | ‒0.092** | 0.055** | ‒0.014 | 0.039* | 0.026 |
树冠宽度 Bc | 0.009 | 0.025** | 0.022* | 0.018 | ‒0.014 | ‒0.018 | 0.012 |
树冠深度 Dc | ‒0.064** | ‒0.067** | ‒0.060** | 0.046* | 0.046* | 0.067* | 0.019* |
表5 林冠中层的物种多度、物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、相对生长速率、死亡率及补员率与林冠上层功能性状的相关性(Lee’s L统计量)
Table 5 The relationship (Lee’s L statistic) between species abundance, species richness, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou evenness index, relative growth rate, mortality rate and recruitment rate of the middle canopy and the plant functional trait of the upper canopy
性状 Trait | 物种多度 Species abundance | 物种丰富度 Species richness | Shannon-Wiener多样性指数 Shannon-Wiener diversity index | Pielou均匀度指数 Pielou evenness index | 相对生长速率Relative growth rate | 死亡率 Mortality rate | 补员率 Recruitment rate |
单位面积叶片最大净光合速率 Aarea | 0.011 | ‒0.01 | ‒0.014 | ‒0.032* | 0.025* | 0.011 | 0.001 |
瞬时水分利用效率 WUEi | ‒0.018 | ‒0.015 | 0.004 | 0.027 | ‒0.022 | 0.002 | ‒0.002 |
单位面积叶片最大气孔导度 gsa | 0.015 | 0.018 | ‒0.001 | ‒0.014 | 0.039* | 0.003 | 0.005 |
单位质量叶片磷含量 Pmass | ‒0.091** | ‒0.064** | ‒0.061** | 0.064*** | 0.001 | 0.043* | 0.027 |
边材比导率 Ks | ‒0.094** | ‒0.093** | ‒0.086** | 0.038 | 0.002 | 0.042* | 0.023 |
叶片膨压丧失点 TLP | ‒0.076** | ‒0.033** | ‒0.041** | 0.058*** | ‒0.002 | ‒0.011 | 0.017 |
比叶面积 SLA | ‒0.070** | ‒0.032** | ‒0.041** | 0.031* | ‒0.008 | ‒0.027 | 0.022 |
叶绿素含量 Chl | 0.013 | 0.009 | 0.01 | 0.027 | ‒0.002 | 0.010 | 0.016 |
叶面积 LA | ‒0.007 | ‒0.033 | ‒0.023 | ‒0.020* | ‒0.003 | 0.035 | ‒0.006 |
叶片厚度 LT | 0.075*** | 0.053*** | 0.041** | ‒0.064** | ‒0.021 | ‒0.064** | 0.006 |
木材密度 WD | 0.042* | 0.063*** | 0.052** | 0.011 | ‒0.014 | ‒0.031 | 0.006 |
叶干物质含量 LDMC | 0.068*** | 0.057*** | 0.067*** | ‒0.025 | 0.014 | 0.002 | ‒0.036 |
叶柄长度 Pl | 0.045** | 0.037** | 0.040*** | ‒0.031* | ‒0.009 | 0.018 | ‒0.032* |
叶柄干重/鲜重比 Pdm | 0.079*** | 0.036** | 0.035*** | ‒0.082** | 0.01 | ‒0.009 | ‒0.023 |
叶柄直径 Pd | 0.014* | ‒0.019 | ‒0.011 | ‒0.017 | 0.003 | 0.044 | ‒0.006 |
叶片光补偿点 LCP | ‒0.052** | ‒0.029 | ‒0.012 | 0.065*** | ‒0.022 | 0.003 | ‒0.011 |
叶片光饱和点 LSP | 0.028 | 0.035 | 0.028 | ‒0.025 | ‒0.014 | ‒0.037 | ‒0.011 |
叶片鲜重 LFW | ‒0.093** | ‒0.093** | ‒0.092** | 0.055** | ‒0.014 | 0.039* | 0.026 |
树冠宽度 Bc | 0.009 | 0.025** | 0.022* | 0.018 | ‒0.014 | ‒0.018 | 0.012 |
树冠深度 Dc | ‒0.064** | ‒0.067** | ‒0.060** | 0.046* | 0.046* | 0.067* | 0.019* |
灌木层 vs. 亚灌层 Shrub layer vs. sub-shrub layer | 亚灌层 vs. 林冠下层 Sub-shrub layer vs. lower canopy layer | 林冠下层 vs. 林冠中层 Lower canopy layer vs. middle canopy layer | 林冠中层 vs. 林冠上层 Middle canopy layer vs. upper canopy layer | |
物种多度 Species abundance | WUEi: ‒0.119, gsa: 0.073, Ks: ‒0.141*, TLP: ‒0.203**, LA: 0.077, WD: 0.219*, LDMC: ‒0.108, Pdm: 0.082, Pd: ‒0.071, LCP: 0.138*, Dc: ‒0.128*** (R2 = 0.429) | Ks: ‒0.053, TLP: ‒0.184***, Chl: ‒0.061, LA: 0.247**, LT: ‒0.086**, WD: 0.223***, LDMC: ‒0.072, LCP: ‒0.015, LSP: 0.071*, LFW: ‒0.205*, Bc: 0.039, Dc: ‒0.078* (R2 = 0.613) | Aarea: ‒0.106, WUEi: 0.115, gsa: 0.082, Pmass: ‒0.162*, LT: ‒0.045, Pl: 0.050, Pdm: ‒0.118, LCP: ‒0.060, Dc: ‒0.183*** (R2 = 0.286) | Aarea: 0.388*, gsa: ‒0.211, Pmass: 0.199, Ks: ‒0.458***, TLP: 0.370**, SLA: 0.285*, LA: ‒0.413, LT: 0.034, WD: 0.097, Pdm: 0.130, Pd: 1.100***, LSP: ‒0.114, LFW: ‒0.202*, Dc: ‒0.338*** (R2 = 0.283) |
物种丰富度 Species richness | Aarea: ‒0.225*, WUEi: ‒0.136, gsa: 0.195, Pmass: 0.072, TLP: ‒0.242**, SLA: ‒0.329**, Chl: ‒0.168, WD: 0.252, Pdm: 0.149*, Pd: ‒0.182, LCP: 0.065, LSP: 0.097, LFW: 0.219*, Dc: ‒0.077* (R2 = 0.406) | Aarea: ‒0.014, gsa: 0.031, TLP: ‒0.161***, Chl: ‒0.087, LT: ‒0.040, WD: 0.101*, LDMC: 0.063, Bc: 0.068*, Dc: ‒0.123** (R2 = 0.488) | Aarea: ‒0.176*, WUEi: 0.196**, gsa: 0.152, Pmass: ‒0.16*, Chl: ‒0.048, LA: 0.077, LT: ‒0.042, Pdm: ‒0.076, LCP: ‒0.115, Bc: 0.091*, Dc: ‒0.182*** (R2 = 0.354) | Aarea: 0.445**, gsa: ‒0.184, Pmass: 0.264***, Ks: ‒0.413**, TLP: 0.392**, WD: 0.244***, Pd: 0.569**, LSP: ‒0.145*, LFW: ‒0.219*, Dc: ‒0.327*** (R2 = 0.154) |
Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数 Shannon-Wiener diversity index | Aarea: ‒0.203*, WUEi: ‒0.127, gsa: 0.198, TLP: ‒0.179*, Chl: ‒0.166, LA: ‒0.295*, LT: 0.220***, WD: 0.174, LDMC: 0.284***, Pd: ‒0.187, LSP: 0.089, LFW: 0.390*** (R2 = 0.487) | Aarea: ‒0.157, WUEi: 0.147*, gsa: 0.151, Ks: 0.096, SLA: 0.158, Chl: ‒0.124*, LA: ‒0.577***, LDMC: 0.295***, Pdm: ‒0.069, Pd: 0.173, LSP: ‒0.055, LFW: 0.372*** (R2 = 0.477) | TLP: ‒0.176***, LA: 0.265**, WD: 0.138**, Pd: ‒0.337***, LCP: ‒0.093*, LFW: ‒0.062, Bc: 0.099* (R2 = 0.299) | WUEi: 0.169**, Pmass: 0.130*, Ks: ‒0.302***, TLP: 0.163, WD: 0.153**, Pd: 0.403*, LCP: ‒0.180**, Dc: ‒0.309*** (R2 = 0.106) |
Pielou均匀度指数 Pielou evenness index | Aarea: ‒0.269*, gsa: 0.154*, Ks: 0.229**, Chl: ‒0.141*, LA: ‒0.270*, LT: 0.137**, LDMC: 0.289**, Pdm: ‒0.057, LFW: 0.249* (R2 = 0.489) | Aarea: ‒0.248**, WUEi: 0.216**, gsa: 0.130, Ks: 0.221***, TLP: 0.114*, LA: ‒0.467***, WD: ‒0.244***, LDMC: 0.088*, Pd: 0.114*, LCP: 0.040, LSP: ‒0.051, LFW: 0.322**, Bc: ‒0.016 (R2 = 0.517) | LA: 0.111, LDMC: ‒0.088, Pdm: 0.149**, LSP: ‒0.091*, LFW: ‒0.127 (R2 = 0.094) | Ks: 0.126*, Pd: ‒0.088, LCP: 0.121*, LSP: ‒0.120 (R2 = 0.068) |
相对生长速率 Relative growth rate | Aarea: 0.603**, WUEi: ‒0.137, gsa: ‒0.517***, Ks: ‒0.183*, Chl: 0.308**, LA: 1.140***, WD: ‒0.413***, LDMC: ‒0.261***, Pl: ‒0.599***, Pd: ‒0.501***, LCP: ‒0.212***, LSP: 0.281***, LFW: ‒0.614***, Bc: 0.083*, Dc: 0.044 (R2 = 0.510) | Aarea: 0.211*, gsa: ‒0.353***, Ks: 0.139, SLA: ‒0.077, Chl: ‒0.020, LA: 0.277*, WD: ‒0.050, LDMC: ‒0.125, Pl: ‒0.197, Pdm: 0.129, Pd: ‒0.198, LCP: ‒0.271***, LSP: 0.143** (R2 = 0.422) | gsa: 0.100, Chl: ‒0.067, LA: ‒0.166**, LT: 0.098, LFW: 0.135* (R2 = 0.073) | Ks: 0.192*, Pd: ‒0.674***, Dc: 0.395***, TLP: ‒0.379** (R2 = 0.046) |
补员率 Recruitment rate | gsa: 0.152*, TLP: 0.183*, Chl: 0.187, LA: 0.169, WD: ‒0.155, Pd: ‒0.269**, LSP: ‒0.096, Bc: ‒0.071, Dc: 0.113** (R2 = 0.205) | Aarea: 0.301***, WUEi: 0.066, gsa: ‒0.241**, Pmass: 0.310***, Chl: ‒0.117*, LA: ‒0.353**, LT: 0.096*, LFW: 0.229*, Bc: ‒0.067 (R2 = 0.281) | gsa: ‒0.210**, Ks: 0.270***, Chl: ‒0.166**, LA: ‒0.522***, LT: 0.093, Pl: 0.138, Pdm: ‒0.146*, Pd: 0.220*, LCP: ‒0.110, LFW: 0.285*** (R2 = 0.140) | Pmass: ‒0.234, Ks: 0.435**, TLP: ‒0.714***, Chl: 0.151, LT: ‒0.126, Pdm: ‒0.197, Pd: ‒0.859***, LCP: ‒0.307**, LSP: 0.240*, LFW: 0.355***, Dc: 0.198* (R2 = 0.080) |
死亡率 Mortality rate | Aarea: ‒0.492***, gsa: 0.169, Pmass: 0.738***, Ks: 0.314***, SLA: ‒0.181*, WD: 0.274, Pd: ‒0.101, LCP: 0.145**, LSP: ‒0.039, LFW: ‒0.246**, Bc: ‒0.115**, Dc: 0.055 (R2 = 0.395) | Aarea: ‒0.107, WUEi: 0.149**, gsa: 0.155, Pmass: 0.270***, TLP: ‒0.157**, Chl: ‒0.080, LT: 0.160***, LDMC: 0.116, Pdm: ‒0.157*, LSP: ‒0.103* (R2 = 0.272) | Aarea: 0.482***, gsa: ‒0.486***, Pmass: 0.195**, Ks: ‒0.283**, Chl: ‒0.196**, LA: ‒0.468***, Pl: 0.292***, LFW: 0.140, Dc: 0.217*** (R2 = 0.107) | LA: 0.216, LT: ‒0.059, Pd: ‒0.295, Bc: ‒0.082*, Dc: 0.161** (R2 = 0.039) |
表6 群落下层结构及功能与群落上层功能性状的多元空间自回归系数
Table 6 The multivariate spatial autoregressive regression coefficient of structural and functional characteristics in the lower-layer with traits in the upper-layer of the community
灌木层 vs. 亚灌层 Shrub layer vs. sub-shrub layer | 亚灌层 vs. 林冠下层 Sub-shrub layer vs. lower canopy layer | 林冠下层 vs. 林冠中层 Lower canopy layer vs. middle canopy layer | 林冠中层 vs. 林冠上层 Middle canopy layer vs. upper canopy layer | |
物种多度 Species abundance | WUEi: ‒0.119, gsa: 0.073, Ks: ‒0.141*, TLP: ‒0.203**, LA: 0.077, WD: 0.219*, LDMC: ‒0.108, Pdm: 0.082, Pd: ‒0.071, LCP: 0.138*, Dc: ‒0.128*** (R2 = 0.429) | Ks: ‒0.053, TLP: ‒0.184***, Chl: ‒0.061, LA: 0.247**, LT: ‒0.086**, WD: 0.223***, LDMC: ‒0.072, LCP: ‒0.015, LSP: 0.071*, LFW: ‒0.205*, Bc: 0.039, Dc: ‒0.078* (R2 = 0.613) | Aarea: ‒0.106, WUEi: 0.115, gsa: 0.082, Pmass: ‒0.162*, LT: ‒0.045, Pl: 0.050, Pdm: ‒0.118, LCP: ‒0.060, Dc: ‒0.183*** (R2 = 0.286) | Aarea: 0.388*, gsa: ‒0.211, Pmass: 0.199, Ks: ‒0.458***, TLP: 0.370**, SLA: 0.285*, LA: ‒0.413, LT: 0.034, WD: 0.097, Pdm: 0.130, Pd: 1.100***, LSP: ‒0.114, LFW: ‒0.202*, Dc: ‒0.338*** (R2 = 0.283) |
物种丰富度 Species richness | Aarea: ‒0.225*, WUEi: ‒0.136, gsa: 0.195, Pmass: 0.072, TLP: ‒0.242**, SLA: ‒0.329**, Chl: ‒0.168, WD: 0.252, Pdm: 0.149*, Pd: ‒0.182, LCP: 0.065, LSP: 0.097, LFW: 0.219*, Dc: ‒0.077* (R2 = 0.406) | Aarea: ‒0.014, gsa: 0.031, TLP: ‒0.161***, Chl: ‒0.087, LT: ‒0.040, WD: 0.101*, LDMC: 0.063, Bc: 0.068*, Dc: ‒0.123** (R2 = 0.488) | Aarea: ‒0.176*, WUEi: 0.196**, gsa: 0.152, Pmass: ‒0.16*, Chl: ‒0.048, LA: 0.077, LT: ‒0.042, Pdm: ‒0.076, LCP: ‒0.115, Bc: 0.091*, Dc: ‒0.182*** (R2 = 0.354) | Aarea: 0.445**, gsa: ‒0.184, Pmass: 0.264***, Ks: ‒0.413**, TLP: 0.392**, WD: 0.244***, Pd: 0.569**, LSP: ‒0.145*, LFW: ‒0.219*, Dc: ‒0.327*** (R2 = 0.154) |
Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数 Shannon-Wiener diversity index | Aarea: ‒0.203*, WUEi: ‒0.127, gsa: 0.198, TLP: ‒0.179*, Chl: ‒0.166, LA: ‒0.295*, LT: 0.220***, WD: 0.174, LDMC: 0.284***, Pd: ‒0.187, LSP: 0.089, LFW: 0.390*** (R2 = 0.487) | Aarea: ‒0.157, WUEi: 0.147*, gsa: 0.151, Ks: 0.096, SLA: 0.158, Chl: ‒0.124*, LA: ‒0.577***, LDMC: 0.295***, Pdm: ‒0.069, Pd: 0.173, LSP: ‒0.055, LFW: 0.372*** (R2 = 0.477) | TLP: ‒0.176***, LA: 0.265**, WD: 0.138**, Pd: ‒0.337***, LCP: ‒0.093*, LFW: ‒0.062, Bc: 0.099* (R2 = 0.299) | WUEi: 0.169**, Pmass: 0.130*, Ks: ‒0.302***, TLP: 0.163, WD: 0.153**, Pd: 0.403*, LCP: ‒0.180**, Dc: ‒0.309*** (R2 = 0.106) |
Pielou均匀度指数 Pielou evenness index | Aarea: ‒0.269*, gsa: 0.154*, Ks: 0.229**, Chl: ‒0.141*, LA: ‒0.270*, LT: 0.137**, LDMC: 0.289**, Pdm: ‒0.057, LFW: 0.249* (R2 = 0.489) | Aarea: ‒0.248**, WUEi: 0.216**, gsa: 0.130, Ks: 0.221***, TLP: 0.114*, LA: ‒0.467***, WD: ‒0.244***, LDMC: 0.088*, Pd: 0.114*, LCP: 0.040, LSP: ‒0.051, LFW: 0.322**, Bc: ‒0.016 (R2 = 0.517) | LA: 0.111, LDMC: ‒0.088, Pdm: 0.149**, LSP: ‒0.091*, LFW: ‒0.127 (R2 = 0.094) | Ks: 0.126*, Pd: ‒0.088, LCP: 0.121*, LSP: ‒0.120 (R2 = 0.068) |
相对生长速率 Relative growth rate | Aarea: 0.603**, WUEi: ‒0.137, gsa: ‒0.517***, Ks: ‒0.183*, Chl: 0.308**, LA: 1.140***, WD: ‒0.413***, LDMC: ‒0.261***, Pl: ‒0.599***, Pd: ‒0.501***, LCP: ‒0.212***, LSP: 0.281***, LFW: ‒0.614***, Bc: 0.083*, Dc: 0.044 (R2 = 0.510) | Aarea: 0.211*, gsa: ‒0.353***, Ks: 0.139, SLA: ‒0.077, Chl: ‒0.020, LA: 0.277*, WD: ‒0.050, LDMC: ‒0.125, Pl: ‒0.197, Pdm: 0.129, Pd: ‒0.198, LCP: ‒0.271***, LSP: 0.143** (R2 = 0.422) | gsa: 0.100, Chl: ‒0.067, LA: ‒0.166**, LT: 0.098, LFW: 0.135* (R2 = 0.073) | Ks: 0.192*, Pd: ‒0.674***, Dc: 0.395***, TLP: ‒0.379** (R2 = 0.046) |
补员率 Recruitment rate | gsa: 0.152*, TLP: 0.183*, Chl: 0.187, LA: 0.169, WD: ‒0.155, Pd: ‒0.269**, LSP: ‒0.096, Bc: ‒0.071, Dc: 0.113** (R2 = 0.205) | Aarea: 0.301***, WUEi: 0.066, gsa: ‒0.241**, Pmass: 0.310***, Chl: ‒0.117*, LA: ‒0.353**, LT: 0.096*, LFW: 0.229*, Bc: ‒0.067 (R2 = 0.281) | gsa: ‒0.210**, Ks: 0.270***, Chl: ‒0.166**, LA: ‒0.522***, LT: 0.093, Pl: 0.138, Pdm: ‒0.146*, Pd: 0.220*, LCP: ‒0.110, LFW: 0.285*** (R2 = 0.140) | Pmass: ‒0.234, Ks: 0.435**, TLP: ‒0.714***, Chl: 0.151, LT: ‒0.126, Pdm: ‒0.197, Pd: ‒0.859***, LCP: ‒0.307**, LSP: 0.240*, LFW: 0.355***, Dc: 0.198* (R2 = 0.080) |
死亡率 Mortality rate | Aarea: ‒0.492***, gsa: 0.169, Pmass: 0.738***, Ks: 0.314***, SLA: ‒0.181*, WD: 0.274, Pd: ‒0.101, LCP: 0.145**, LSP: ‒0.039, LFW: ‒0.246**, Bc: ‒0.115**, Dc: 0.055 (R2 = 0.395) | Aarea: ‒0.107, WUEi: 0.149**, gsa: 0.155, Pmass: 0.270***, TLP: ‒0.157**, Chl: ‒0.080, LT: 0.160***, LDMC: 0.116, Pdm: ‒0.157*, LSP: ‒0.103* (R2 = 0.272) | Aarea: 0.482***, gsa: ‒0.486***, Pmass: 0.195**, Ks: ‒0.283**, Chl: ‒0.196**, LA: ‒0.468***, Pl: 0.292***, LFW: 0.140, Dc: 0.217*** (R2 = 0.107) | LA: 0.216, LT: ‒0.059, Pd: ‒0.295, Bc: ‒0.082*, Dc: 0.161** (R2 = 0.039) |
图1 群落下层物种多度(A)、物种丰富度(B)、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(C)、Pielou均匀度指数(D)、相对生长速率(E)、补员率(F)和死亡率(G)与群落上层功能性状在台风前、后的多元空间自回归模型中的回归结果。Year2020: 2020年(台风后)。性状缩写含义见表1。
Fig. 1 The regression results of species abundance (A), species richness (B), Shannon-Wiener diversity index (C), Pielou evenness index (D), relative growth rate (E), recruitment rate (F), and mortality rate (G) in the lower-layer with traits in the upper-layer of the community in a multivariable linear regression model fitting by pre- and post-typhoon data. Year 2020, Year 2020 (after the typhoon). Code of traits see Table 1.
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