ISSN 1671-3710
CN 11-4766/R

心理科学进展 ›› 2023, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (7): 1206-1277.doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1042.2023.01206 cstr: 32111.14.2023.01206

• 研究前沿 • 上一篇    下一篇


赵辉, 张亚冉, 肖玉琴, 张卓, 杨波()   

  1. 中国政法大学社会学院, 北京 102249
  • 收稿日期:2022-11-30 出版日期:2023-07-15 发布日期:2023-04-23
  • 通讯作者: 杨波, E-mail:
  • 基金资助:

The “cold and hot” amygdala: An important nucleus relative to aggression

ZHAO Hui, ZHANG Yaran, XIAO Yuqin, ZHANG Zhuo, YANG Bo()   

  1. School of Sociology, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 102249, China
  • Received:2022-11-30 Online:2023-07-15 Published:2023-04-23


攻击是有意对他人造成直接伤害的行为, 可以分为反应性攻击和主动性攻击。攻击行为的发生有其神经生理基础, 作为情绪加工和学习的关键脑区, 杏仁核与攻击有着密切的关联。战斗−逃跑机制模型、暴力抑制机制模型和恐惧功能障碍假说强调了杏仁核对于攻击的重要性。表现出攻击或暴力行为的群体存在杏仁核的结构缺陷和功能障碍, 其中功能障碍有两种相反的异常表现:在具有反应性攻击表现的高危人群中, 杏仁核对威胁性刺激的反应增强(“热”反应); 而以主动性攻击为主的人群如带有冷酷无情特质的精神病态人群, 会表现出对威胁性刺激以及他人痛苦情绪线索的杏仁核反应减弱, 以及在恐惧条件学习和道德决策的过程中杏仁核的激活不足的现象(“冷”反应)。这些功能障碍损害了个体在威胁反应、共情能力、惩罚回避以及道德决策等方面的正常水平。未来研究需人群研究和过程研究并举, 关注杏仁核子结构的功能, 探究攻击的神经网络基础, 并探索有效的暴力防治干预手段。

关键词: 杏仁核, 反应性攻击, 主动性攻击, 精神病态


Aggression can be defined as any behavior directed toward another with the intent to cause direct harm. It can be divided into reactive aggression and proactive aggression, which differ in precipitating factors, motivations and emotional characteristics. Aggression has an underlying neurophysiological basis. As a key region of emotion processing and learning, the amygdala is closely associated with aggression. The fight-flight mechanism, the violence inhibition mechanism and the fear dysfunction hypothesis emphasize the importance of the amygdala for aggression. Structural deficits and dysfunctions of the amygdala have been observed in individuals who display aggressive or violent behaviors, with two different abnormal manifestations. In groups with high risk of reactive aggression, the amygdala’s response to threatening stimuli is enhanced (a “hot” response). However, in proactive aggression, exhibited by individuals with psychopathic and callous-unemotional traits, researches have reported diminished amygdala responses to threatening stimuli and others’ distress cues as well as insufficient activation of the amygdala during fear conditioning learning and moral decision-making (a “cold” response). These dysfunctions might impair the normal function of individuals in terms of threat response, empathy, punishment avoidance and moral decision-making. Future research should investigate the following four aspects. First, it seems that population-based studies are more important than process-based studies in previous researches. However, the two types of aggression are not opposites; thus, a distinction based on these populations will not provide a true comparison. Therefore, studies should directly explore the neural response during aggression with relative paradigms. At present, brain imaging paradigms used to investigate reactive aggression are well developed; however, proactive aggression paradigms still need further development and innovation. Second, the amygdala may exhibit different activations according to the functions of its substructures, which have not been deeply explored. Previous brain imaging studies have usually investigated the amygdala as a single structure. However, the substructures of the amygdala differ in function. More detailed studies of the substructures can facilitate to accurately locate the neural targets associated with the two types of aggression. Third, the abnormalities may be caused by deficits in other brain regions that provide input to the amygdala or abnormal anatomical connections with the amygdala. It is necessary to interpret the role of the amygdala in the context of the brain functional network. According to dual system theory, further research should consider the stage characteristics of neural development during the investigation of the above network. Finally, from the perspective of prevention, the structural deficits and dysfunctions of the amygdala can serve as potential indicators of violence recidivism; however, further clarification of the role of amygdala substructures in aggression and their connectivity with other brain regions is needed. From the perspective of intervention, studies should explore appropriate interventions based on the characteristics of the aggressive population. For example, research may incorporate deep brain stimulation and other technologies to treat aggressive behavior in individuals with psychotic traits, while exploring noninvasive interventions such as oxytocin for violent offenders. In addition, the social factors that influence the brain-aggressive behavior associated should not be overlooked.

Key words: amygdala, reactive aggression, proactive aggression, psychopathy
