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LLM Enhanced Cross Domain Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
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    属性级情感分析作为一种细粒度情感分析方法, 目前在许多应用场景中都具有重要作用. 然而, 随着社交媒体和在线评论的日益广泛以及各类新兴领域的出现, 使得跨领域属性级情感分析面临着标签数据不足以及源领域与目标领域文本分布差异等挑战. 目前已有许多数据增强方法试图解决这些问题, 但现有方法生成的文本仍存在语义不连贯、结构单一以及特征与源领域过于趋同等问题. 为了克服这些问题, 提出一种基于大语言模型(large language model, LLM)数据增强的跨领域属性级情感分析方法. 所提方法利用大模型丰富的语言知识, 合理构建针对跨领域属性级别情感分析任务的引导语句, 挖掘目标领域与源领域相似文本, 通过上下文学习的方式, 使用领域关联关键词引导LLM生成目标领域有标签文本数据, 用以解决目标领域数据缺乏以及领域特异性问题, 从而有效提高跨领域属性级情感分析的准确性和鲁棒性. 所提方法在多个真实数据集中进行实验, 实验结果表明, 该方法可以有效提升基线模型在跨领域属性级情感分析中的表现.


    As a fine-grained sentiment analysis method, aspect-based sentiment analysis is playing an increasingly important role in many application scenarios. However, with the ubiquity of social media and online reviews, cross-domain aspect-based sentiment analysis faces two major challenges: insufficient labeled data in the target domain and textual distribution differences between the source and target domains. Currently, many data augmentation methods attempt to alleviate these issues, yet the target domain text generated by these methods often suffers from shortcomings such as lack of fluency, limited diversity of generated data, and convergent source domain. To address these issues, this study proposes a method for cross-domain aspect-based sentiment analysis based on data augmentation from a large language model (LLM). This method leverages the rich language knowledge of large language models to construct appropriate prompts for the cross-domain aspect-based sentiment analysis task. It mines similar texts between the target domain and the source domain and uses context learning to guide the LLM to generate labeled text data in the target domain with domain-associated keywords. This approach addresses the lack of data in the target domain and the domain-specificity problem, effectively improving the accuracy and robustness of cross-domain sentiment analysis. Experiments on multiple real datasets show that the proposed method can effectively enhance the performance of the baseline model in cross-domain aspect-based sentiment analysis.

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